Kombinasi Penjualan Kain Batik Menggunakan Metode Apriori



The existence of operational activities selling batik cloth every day will increase more and more, If left alone, the transaction data only become meaningless garbage. is an individual company that manufactures sells with various types batik. include Batik Insights, Color Cash Written Batik, Fine Granite Night Print Stamped Combined Dagel Batik. In processing sales data, it still done manually, which uses records receipts, so functions as archive. used in this study are for 2 years a total 215 transactions. purpose to implement apriori algorithm system combination fabric on Dewi Ratih can help find out most often purchased. results determine bought simultaneously by determining minimum support 30% confidence 70% comparison Weka PHP MysQL applications accuracy rate 100%

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عنوان ژورنال: Jurnal teknologi informasi dan komunikasi Sinar Nusantara

سال: 2022

ISSN: ['2338-4018', '2620-7532']

DOI: https://doi.org/10.30646/tikomsin.v10i2.649